Restaurant Ordering System
With the advancement in technology, restaurants have started adopting automation in the order management system. The restaurant ordering system can be set up using either the local server with wi-fi or an online server or a mix of both so that the system works even in the absence of the internet. The flowchart shown above explains the generic process involved in a 4 level ordering system involving Soups, Appetizers, Main Course, and Desserts.
Server Setup
The server application can be installed on the local server and connected to the wi-fi so that the other devices can connect and communicate with it. Also, an online server can be kept in sync with the local server for better accessibility and analytics purposes. The online server can be further used to accept online table booking and food delivery to the address specified by the customer. This post explains the process involved in the on-premises restaurant ordering system.
Digitalization Of Kitchen
The Television or Tablet can be installed at the Kitchen to directly pass the order items without any human intervention. Also, a timer can be set for the order items to make customers aware of the tentative wait time. The items can be served by the delivery guys to the customer as soon as ready or based on customer priority.
The items inventory tracking is also required for the stored items required to cook the ordered items. Also, some of the items can be directly served without cooking. The alarms can be triggered in case the inventory is low and the vendor orders can be placed to re-fill it. It might be required to mark the unavailability of the menu items based on the inventory status.
Automation Of Table Order
Table Booking and ordering can be automated. The customers visiting the Restaurant can either reserve the table online to avoid the wait time or book the table on their visit to the restaurant. The customer might be required to wait in the lounge area in case none of the tables is free.
Once Table Booking is done, the Customer can occupy the chairs based on headcount. The Order System can either be installed on the table itself using the Tablet or it can be placed by Guys equipped with the Tablet to take the order. It depends on the restaurant to involve an appropriate order system.
Order Billing
The Invoice can be generated once, Customer finishes the ordered items. An appropriate discount can be applied to the order based on the voucher presented by the Customer or the special discounts offered by the Restaurant itself. The final payment can be received from the customer either in Cash or by processing the Card.
This post explained the generic process involved in the on-premises food ordering system with a certain level of automation to make it easy for the customers to place the order and enjoy their visit to the Restaurant.